Partnerships to Advance Associate Degree Nursing
A message from Donna Meyer, OADN's Inaugural CEO
“Collaboration is the cornerstone for our ongoing efforts to advocate for community college nursing education and the associate degree pathway. OADN values the significant contributions of our Premier and Allied Partners, and we are committed to working together to enrich the nursing profession and promote the delivery of quality health care for the communities we serve.”
Premier Partners

The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
The ACEN and OADN entered a formal partnership in 2017 to strengthen the support network for associate degree nursing (ADN) programs and their students. Through this partnership, OADN members have direct access to a myriad of accreditation resources, including useful continuing education, current best practices, and expert guidance and support throughout every stage of the initial and continuing accreditation process. Faculty members associated with the ACEN’s accredited programs and OADN members can increase their skill development, team building, and leadership competencies through separate and joint programming offered by the ACEN and OADN. They are also able to share ideas, establish valuable connections, and network with a national community of ADN program faculty. The partnership also facilitates ACEN accredited programs and OADN members’ access to timely and important information about academic progression to further advance the success of graduates from ADN programs.

Trajecsys Centralized Clinical Recordkeeping®
In March 2024, Trajecsys partnered with the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) to enhance nursing education through centralized clinical recordkeeping and exclusive benefits for OADN members. This collaboration provides a $5 discount per student on Trajecsys’ system, making clinical record management more accessible for ADN programs. Beyond cost savings, Trajecsys supports OADN initiatives, including Leadership Institute Scholarships and Convention poster awards, reinforcing a shared commitment to advancing nursing education and leadership. This partnership aligns with OADN’s mission to promote excellence in ADN programs, ensuring faculty and students have access to efficient clinical tracking tools and educational resources. Through this collaboration, Trajecsys and OADN aim to strengthen nursing education and workforce readiness, providing ADN programs with the support and technology needed to prepare future nurses effectively.

Allied Partners

American Nurses Association (ANA)
OADN is an Organizational Affiliate of ANA
ANA Organizational Affiliates are specialty nursing organizations that hold organizational-level membership of ANA. This collaborative structure allows for greater information sharing and coordination on common issues facing the nursing profession and health care at large.
While each organization maintains its autonomy; the nursing profession and patients benefit from a shared voice that speaks on health care issues from a position of unrivaled experience and expertise. In 2015, ANA and OADN issued a joint position statement on the need for seamless academic progression opportunities for all nursing students. In 2021, ANA appointed OADN to the National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing, where OADN’s Chief Executive Officer represents the perspective of associate degree nursing and serves on the education workgroup.

American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)
OADN is an Affiliated Council of AACC and a member of the AACC Commission on Economic and Workforce Development.
AACC Affiliated Councils are non-profit organizations that are determined by AACC to be committed to advancing the role of community colleges in serving society consistent with the policies and priorities of the AACC. This service is done through providing specialized services or engaging in activities for, or in support of community colleges. OADN and AACC work together to ensure that community college-based registered nursing education pathways remain robust and are accessible to students in all communities.

American Red Cross
OADN and the American Red Cross partnership provides opportunities for OADN members to contribute to Red Cross programs across the country. Additionally, through affiliate agreements with local Red Cross Chapters, clinical learning experiences are available for nursing students. OADN members are encouraged to become Red Cross Disaster Health Services volunteers and respond to disasters in their communities as well as offer their expertise and support in large national disasters. Additionally, OADN members can assist their communities to be prepared for emergencies through Red Cross programs like the Home Fire Campaign and the Pillowcase Project. OADN member programs are encouraged to collaborate with local Red Cross chapters to host blood drives and educate the public about the need for blood donations.

Community College Baccalaureate Association (CCBA)
OADN is an affiliate of the Community College Baccalaureate Association
As the leading resource for institutions seeking to re-define their higher education practices and offerings, CCBA aims to promote affordable access to community college baccalaureate degrees as a means of closing the nation’s racial, ethnic and economic gaps. CCBA’s mission is to serve as the nation’s leading network of community colleges that build and sustain high-value baccalaureate degree programs. OADN and CCBA collaboratively advocate for removing barriers that prevent community colleges from conferring the baccalaureate of science in nursing (BSN) degree, as well as providing data and educating policymakers on the success of community college BSN programs around the country.

Nursing Community Coalition (NCC)
OADN is a member of the Nursing Community Coalition
The Nursing Community Coalition is comprised of national professional nursing associations dedicated to building consensus and advocating on a wide spectrum of healthcare issues, including practice, education, research, and regulation. The NCC is committed to improving the health and health care of our nation by collaborating to support the education and practice of registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). Collectively, the NCC is comprised of 63 national nursing organizations. OADN membership in the NCC ensures that the voice of the associate degree nursing programs, students, and faculty are considered in the drafting of federal legislation that impacts OADN member programs and their communities. The NCC also provides a forum for connecting with other nursing organizations on shared advocacy interests, as well as meeting directly with legislators, congressional staff, and administration officials.

Nurses on Boards Coalition (NOBC)
OADN was an inaugural member of the NOBC in 2014 and currently is represented on the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.
The Nurses on Boards Coalition (NOBC) represents national nursing and other organizations working to build healthier communities in America by increasing nurses’ presence on corporate, health-related, and other boards, panels, and commissions. OADN members are strongly encouraged to be counted by registering their board service with the NOBC. The Coalition also regularly posts new board service leadership opportunities and houses numerous resources on their website to help you on your journey to becoming board-ready.

Nursing Organizational Alliance (NOA)
OADN is a member of NOA.
The purpose of NOA is to inspire and develop leaders in the community of nursing organizations. As a member association of NOA, OADN interfaces with other nursing associations to share organizational best practices and bring educational opportunities to OADN members. These activities include the Nurse in Washington Institute (NIWI) where OADN members can develop and hone their advocacy skills at the national level; the Nursing Alliance Leadership Academy (NALA) that provides governance training for OADN’s elected leadership; opportunities for OADN staff to connect with other nursing association staff on best practices in meeting member needs, as well as other online educational opportunities for OADN members throughout the year.

The DAISY Foundation™
OADN collaborates with The DAISY Foundation to raise awareness for meaningful recognition of nurse educators for their inspirational influence on the Nurses of today and tomorrow- across the continuum in academic and practice settings. Exceptional nurse educators in community colleges must be recognized for their expertise in all areas of the academic spectrum including role modeling compassionate, extraordinary care, whether to patients and families or to their own students. OADN invites every community college leader to consider The DAISY Award program to meaningfully recognize outstanding nurse educators. OADN is honored to partner with the DAISY Foundation and believes raising the visibility of nurse educators and highlighting their excellence will aid in their recruitment, retention, and engagement in the education specialties.