Book Your Hotel Today!
Special discounted hotel rates end October 9th.
2024 Convention Links
Brows this year’s outstanding breakout sessions! Your colleagues from across the nation have brought forward new strategies and innovations for you to explore and implement in your nursing programs, classrooms, labs and clinicals.
Convention Schedule (Printable Version)
This schedule is subject to change. Please always refer to this schedule for the most up-to-date information.
Act now while spaces are still available. Register here!
OADN 2023 Convention Recap
Dr. Jill Biden Delivers Special Opening Message
Dr. Jill Biden opens the 2023 OADN Convention in San Diego with a special welcome message underscoring the vital role that nurses play in the lives of every American. As a community college professor, Dr. Biden expresses her gratitude to nurse educators for their role in preparing future nurses.
Convention Resources
OADN will be taking video and still images throughout the convention to document the great information and fun we’ll have! By registering you consent to having OADN use your image in internet or social media content or in other printed publications without further consideration, and acknowledge OADN’s right to crop or treat the photograph at its discretion and to publish those images during the convention or at any later date.