Nursing Community Monthly Roundup – September 2022

OADN continues our federal advocacy on your behalf as a member of the Nursing Community Coalition, where we work to ensure that nurses are supported and that nursing education is funded.

NCC Sends Letter to Appropriators Updating FY 2023 Funding Requests
On September 15, sixty-two members of the Nursing Community Coalition (NCC) sent a letter to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees requesting at least $324.472 million for Title VIII Nursing Workforce and Development Programs and at least $208.571 million for the National Institute of Nursing Research for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 as outlined in the House Appropriations Committee passed bill.

NCC Sends Letter to Congress Outlining Top Legislative Priorities 
On September 26, sixty-two members of the Nursing Community Coalition (NCC) signed onto a letter urging Congress to pass top legislative priorities impacting our current and future nursing workforce before the end of the 117th Congress.

2022 OADN Board of Directors Elections Announcement

Many thanks to each of you who voted in the 2022 OADN Elections. More members voted in this cycle than any previous OADN election, a strong demonstration of your commitment to OADN and associate degree nursing education.

Based on your votes, we have the pleasure of announcing our newly elected OADN leaders. However, before doing so, we want to acknowledge the individuals who served on this year’s Nominating Committee: Chair Amy Simons, Michele Dickens, Sofia John, Greshin Markwell, Johni Beth Teague, and committee advisor Katharine Elliott. These individuals worked diligently throughout the year to recruit and vet the many talented candidates on this year’s ballot. We are grateful to all of the exceptional candidates who ran for office this year.

Please join us in congratulating this year’s election winners:


Director At-Large Director – Northeast Region
Jennifer Eccles, PhD, MSN, Med, RN
Senior System Director of Nursing
The Minnesota State HealthForce Center of Excellence
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Elizabeth Mizerek, MSN, RN, FN-CSA, CEN, CPEN, CNE, FAEN
Director of Nursing Education
Mercer County Community College, NJ
Director – Southwest Region Director – Western Region
Jayson Valerio, DNP, RN
Dean of Nursing & Allied Health
South Texas College, TX
Lynette V. Apen, DNP, RN, CNS, CNE
Senior Nursing Consultant
Stanford Health Care, Office of Research and Patient Care Services, CA
Nominating Committee Nominating Committee
Carmencita S. Abood, DNP, MSN/MBA, RN, CCRN
Lone Star College – North Harris, TX
Jennifer E. Smith, RN, MSN, MBA, CV-BC, CNE
Director of Nursing
William Rainey Harper College, IL

Message from the Leadership – September 2022


Dear OADN Members:

In just a few weeks, we will have the opportunity to gather in New Orleans for the 2022 OADN Convention. What a lively city for connecting with colleagues and friends! Add a schedule full of education sessions focused on associate degree nursing education and opportunities for networking and you have a convention that will leave you “Owning your Influence” in new ways.

Knowing I am a more seasoned nurse educator and convention attendee, others have asked why I keep attending each year. Can’t I read an article or watch a webinar about a new trend affecting education? Surely, I must be following influencers on social media and listening to the latest leadership podcasts, right? Well, yes, I am, but none of these activities can replace the annual event of gathering together and I love the OADN Convention experience most of all. Every convention is different, and each has influenced my professional development in a unique way.

When I was a novice faculty, I learned about active learning strategies, simulation, and pedagogy that promotes clinical judgment. I would be texting a peer excitedly, sharing a new idea. At the midpoint in my career, I found myself drawn to more professional development sessions and now, as I transition to administration, I seek sessions about mentoring, curriculum, and accreditation. I already have on my agenda the Saturday morning session about finding one’s voice as a leader and every OADN convention attendee quickly learns that Sunday morning is all about NCLEX. Attending presentations with titles that piqued my interest ultimately made a significant impact by broadening my perspective and helping me to fill in knowledge gaps that I was not even aware of at the time. I encourage you to take a closer look at the schedule and plan to attend those sessions that are important or interesting to you and will help you become your best.

Another key reason for attending convention is meeting others who share your passion. Where else will you find inspirational, enthusiastic leaders and educators whose sole focus for 3 days is associate degree nursing education? OADN conventions have given me the opportunity to talk to with respected peers one-on-one about what they are experiencing and share ideas that have enhanced my practice. When attending a session or poster event, I have the chance to ask the presenter questions about their work, something I cannot do when listening to a podcast or reading an article. Even when presenting my own work, receiving feedback from others has helped me think differently and provided me with new insight.

You may meet someone while sharing a meal or attending a session and make a lasting connection that could dramatically impact your career. It is a connection made at a past convention that inspired me to become more involved with OADN by joining a task force. I hope this year’s convention influences you to become more involved in OADN. Attend a session delivered by the OADN Simulation Committee or leadership presentation. You may be inspired to serve OADN on a committee or task force or apply to be part of the exceptional, new OADN Leadership Institute. The writing-focused session with Anna Valdez may inspire you to submit a manuscript or become a peer reviewer for Teaching and Learning in Nursing.

It should not be overlooked that attending a convention is just fun! In New Orleans you may try new foods (beignets, anyone?) or find time to see a few, local attractions that truly highlight the soul of the city. Traveling with your peers is truly a bonding experience that strengthens relationships and helps ease some of the stress that comes with being a nurse educator. I love the Exhibit Hall (yes, you read that correctly). Where else can you see the latest simulation and testing products, try out new equipment, explore education and professional association opportunities, check out needed services, or my favorite, peruse all the nursing books.

Despite the fatigue from busy days, immersing in convention activities has always left me feeling rejuvenated. I am excited to implement what I learn every year at convention and always inspired to become more involved in OADN. I am already looking forward to who I will see in New Orleans. Hopefully, it will be you!

Mariann Harding, PhD, RN, CNE, FAADN
Chair, OADN Convention Education Planning Committee

Nursing Community Monthly Roundup – August 2022

OADN continues our federal advocacy on your behalf as a member of the Nursing Community Coalition, where we work to ensure that nurses are supported and that nursing education is funded.

NCC Sends Letter of Congratulations to the Under Secretary of Health at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
On August 19, the Nursing Community Coalition (NCC) sent a letter to the recently confirmed Under Secretary of Health at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Dr. Shereef Elnahal, welcoming him to his new position and pledging to work with him to improve veteran’s health through nursing care.

NCC Sends Letter Supporting NDAA Amendment that Honors the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps
Fifty-eight members of the Nursing Community Coalition (NCC) signed onto a letter urging the retention of Sec. 5103 – Sense of Congress regarding women who served as cadet nurses during World War II, in the final FY 2023 NDAA conference agreement, which helps honor the contributions the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps made to the war efforts and recognizes these servicewomen for their dedication to our nation.

Nursing Community Monthly Roundup – July 2022

OADN continues our federal advocacy on your behalf as a member of the Nursing Community Coalition, where we work to ensure that nurses are supported and that nursing education is funded.

NCC Sends Letter Supporting Legislation that Improves Access to Workers’ Compensation for Injured Federal Workers
On July 28, fifty-one members of the Nursing Community Coalition (NCC) signed onto a letter to the U.S. Senate supporting consideration and passage of H.R. 6087, the Improving Access to Workers’ Compensation for Injured Federal Workers Act. This bipartisan legislation would retire outdated barriers in the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) that limit the ability of NPs to provide care and treatment for injured or ill federal employees.

Nursing Community Monthly Roundup – June 2022

OADN continues our federal advocacy on your behalf as a member of the Nursing Community Coalition, where we work to ensure that nurses are supported and that nursing education is funded.

NCC Steering Committee Sends Letter to House of Representatives supporting passage of H.R. 6087, the Improving Access to Workers’ Compensation for Injured Federal Workers Act
On June 7, the Nursing Community Coalition (NCC) Steering Committee sent a letter on behalf of the NCC to members of the House of Representatives supporting passage of H.R. 6087, the improving Access to Workers’ Compensation for Injured Federal Workers Act, which would retire outdated barriers in the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) that limit the ability of Nurse Practitioners (NPs) to provide care and treatment for injured or ill federal employees.

NCC Thanks Congress for Introducing a Resolution Honoring and Recognizing National Nurses Week 2022
On June 8, sixty-two members of the Nursing Community Coalition (NCC) signed onto a thank you letter to Senate Nursing Caucus Co-Chairs, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS), as well as Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX-30), one of the three nurses in Congress, and House Nursing Caucus Co-Chair, Rep. David Joyce (R-OH-14), along with more than 70 bipartisan members in the House and Senate, for introducing S.Res.626/ H.Res.1100- A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Nurses Week, to be observed from May 6 through May 12, 2022.

NCC Sends Letter Supporting Legislation to Address Workplace Violence
On June 9, May 11, fifty-three members of the Nursing Community Coalition (NCC) signed onto a letter to Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), and original Senate cosponsors, supporting introduction of the Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act (S.4182) in the Senate and strongly urging passage of this important legislation this Congress.

Message from the CEO – July 2022

Donna Meyer

Dear OADN Members:

The Fourth of July is upon us, a holiday I have always enjoyed for its patriotic songs, joyous parades, and festive fireworks. It is a day to gather together with family, friends, neighbors, and our fellow Americans as we celebrate the independence of our country. This year is no exception, but I also reflect on the sacrifices so many individuals have made for our country in the name of freedom and democracy. For all of you reading this message who are part of the United States Armed Forces, I along with the entire OADN community, would like to thank you for your dedicated service to our country. Although we face many challenges in our country, I still believe we are fortunate to live in a land of opportunity and we must always remain hopeful for the future. So many around the world desire to have the same possibilities and privileges that we often take for granted in our country. May we always remember the plight of the others, express gratitude to all who serve, honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice defending our freedom, champion the change we wish to see, and be proud to hang the American flag.

I am thrilled to share this year’s OADN Convention theme, Owning Your Influence, embodies the same spirit of Independence Day as it focuses on the profound impact of each nurse educator to be a champion for meaningful change and calls on all of us to recognize and leverage the important contributions, we make every day as leaders in our communities. Every year the OADN Convention delivers thought-provoking and innovative educational sessions to our members. This year will not disappoint as we will welcome general session speakers who are owning their influence and championing change in nursing education at the international, national, and local levels.

We are excited to welcome speakers from our host city New Orleans and surrounding area who will be sharing their own stories of impact. This includes Scharmaine Lawson, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC, FAAN, FAANP, who is an award-winning author, nurse entrepreneur, and nationally recognized speaker. Many of you will recognize Dr. Lawson from her various media appearances including the Today Show and the CBS Evening News. Tracey Moffatt, MHA, BSN, RN, who serves as System Chief Nursing Officer for Ochsner Health, will kick off this year’s general sessions with a talk on the importance of the associate degree pathway and the major investments and partnership her system has made with the local community college nursing program. Following this session, we will hear from Ecoee Rooney, DNP, RN, NPD-BC, SANE-A, DF-AFN, also of the New Orleans-based Ochsner Health System where she serves as Director of Nursing Leadership Development. Dr. Rooney will discuss the importance of self-care while navigating the complex challenges of our current healthcare environment. Deborah Ford, MSN, ADN, RN, Chief Nursing Officer and Vice President of Quality, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, will deliver the Saturday morning general session about the importance of investing in yourself and finding your voice as a leader. OADN is also delighted to welcome back Dr. Sharrica Miller, Ph.D., CPNP-PC, RN, who will moderate a general session panel to discuss what educators can do to address racism in nursing. All panelists were members of the ANA Commission to Address Racism in Nursing education work group and will share their perspectives.

With 2023 and Next Generation NCLEX quickly approaching, we will be joined by Jason Schwartz, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing Director, for a general session entitled Next Generation NCLEX: Countdown to Launch! Our final general session speaker will be internationally recognized simulation expert Margaret Verkuyl, NP-PHC, MN, who will be speaking on how nurse leaders in Canada are joining together to transform nursing education through virtual simulation and the implications for associate degree programs in the United States.

I am pleased to share with you that this year all Friday morning workshops will be included in the cost of your general registration fee, and will no longer entail an additional fee! This represents a tremendous value and cost savings for all attendees. There will be seven workshops to choose from on a host of topics including active learning strategies, accreditation, simulation, and many more.

This year’s all-day workshop, Next Gen in Every Class: From Fundamentals to NCLEX and Beyond, will be offered at an additional fee on Thursday, November 17th and will be presented by Tim Bristol, Ph.D., RN, CNE, ANEF, FAADN, FAAN and Karin J. Sherrill, MSN, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAADN. Participants will develop a plan for success that enhances Next Gen teaching in the classroom under the guidance of two of the leading experts on the subject.

Finally, I am pleased to announce OADN partners, CastleBranch and the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) will be sponsoring the faculty and student posters. The sponsorship provides a monetary award for first, second, and third place award recipient. OADN appreciates their generous support in recognizing the excellence of faculty and students.

Personally, this year’s convention is bittersweet for me as I began my leadership role as OADN President in New Orleans in 2012. I will now approach a full circle moment as I leave my position as OADN’s first Chief Executive Officer. I hope to see many of you in New Orleans this November as we reminisce over the last ten years and look forward to the future together.



Chief Executive Officer, OADN

Nursing Community Monthly Roundup – May 2022

OADN continues our federal advocacy on your behalf as a member of the Nursing Community Coalition, where we work to ensure that nurses are supported and that nursing education is funded.

NCC Sends Letter to Congress Outlining Top Legislative Priorities
On May 6, sixty-two members of the Nursing Community Coalition (NCC) signed onto a letter urging Congress to take action on top legislative priorities that impact nursing education, practice, and research. This letter comes as we kick off National Nurses Week 2022.

NCC Hosts Virtual Congressional Briefing and Roundtable Discussion during National Nurses Week
On May 10, the Nursing Community Coalition (NCC) held a virtual congressional briefing and roundtable discussion to highlight issues impacting nursing education, practice, and research. NCC members provided an overview to more than 100 guests, both on and off Capitol Hill, on trends within academic nursing and the workforce, while outlining requests to support our current and future nurses.

NCC Submits Testimony to House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees
On May 11, fifty-nine members of the Nursing Community Coalition (NCC) signed onto written testimony submitted to the House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. The testimony featured the coalition’s funding requests of $530 million for the Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development Programs and $210 million for the National Institute of Nursing Research for Fiscal Year 2023.

40 Senators Support FY 2023 Funding for Title VIII in Senate Dear Colleague Letter 
On May 25, forty Senators signed onto a Senate Dear Colleague letter circulated by senate Nursing Caucus Co-Chair, Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) requesting $530 million for Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development Programs in FY 2023.

National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing Releases Foundational Report

The National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing has issued a new foundational report that explores the impact of systemic racism on the nursing workforce and delivery of nursing care. The report closely examines the effects that racism has on nursing education, policy, research, and practice.

“These reports explore how racism shows up in our profession. We invite you to read each document with an open mind and heart, and with the empathy and thirst for knowledge that define excellence in nursing. How might this information influence you and your nursing practice? How might it be fuel for improving our profession, and the health, educational, and social systems in which we engage and work?”

OADN was invited to be an inaugural member of the Commission in January of 2021, and OADN members were asked to provide comments on the report’s initial draft in early 2022.  OADN CEO Donna Meyer, MSN, RN, ANEF, FAADN, FAAN served as a commissioner for the report’s education workgroup, with Teaching and Learning in Nursing Editor-in-Chief Anna Valdez, Ph.D., RN, PHN, CEN, CNE, CFRN, FAEN, FAADN and OADN Board of Directors Member Jayson T. Valerio, DNP, RN serving as subject matter experts for the report’s education section.


Download The Full Report


The History of Racism in Nursing

This report centers the experiences of nurses of color in U.S. history and how structural and systemic racism have hindered access to educational and professional opportunities as well as institutional power. The report also reviews some of the ways in which these nurses resisted, challenged, and achieved within the structures of racism.

Additionally, the report explains and critiques the central place that whiteness has occupied in histories of American nursing. More contextualized historical studies about the experiences of nurses of color and studies that explore the complicity of the nursing profession in perpetuating racism are needed.

Read this section

Contemporary Context

What does racism look like in the 21st Century? This essay examines power, privilege, and prejudice in nursing today. By looking at our history, we can understand the current inequities and discriminatory practices that hinder the progress of nurses of color.

Read this section


Racism in nursing education has been prevalent since its beginning with roots in white supremacy. Today both students and faculty of color experience negative environments and limited opportunities.

Creating equitable and inclusive learning environments will lead to increased access and opportunities for students, faculty, and staff. This will eliminate many barriers and gaps that prevent success.

Read this section


Due to the systemic nature of policies, they are a significant means by which racism within nursing is perpetuated.

A commitment must be made to eliminate racism in existing policy. Additionally, new policies that address past harms and advance the nursing profession are needed.

Read this section


The impact of racism in the nurse’s work environment has significant implications on staff retention and physical and psychological safety. By viewing racism as a preventable harm, it is possible to see how it can be confronted through changes to structures, beliefs, policies, and practices.

This report also explores the ethical obligations to develop a culture where all staff and patients are treated fairly. Included are suggestions for how health care organizations can create an inclusive and civil culture.

Read this section


Nursing research is overwhelmingly conducted by white nurse researchers. Research done with minoritized communities leaves impressions of exploitation and mistrust. Minority nurse researchers are key to address health disparities and inequities.

Current structures for research funding from healthcare institutions and governmental agencies are inequitable and must change. Bold funding decisions can level the field and lead to positive disruption.

Read this section

OADN CEO Announces Retirement

Donna Meyer

Dear OADN Members,

On June 1, 2015, I had the distinct privilege of becoming the inaugural Chief Executive Officer of OADN. Serving as your CEO over these past seven years has been the highlight of my professional career and has made a profound impact on my life in many ways. My journey with OADN began in the late 1990’s when I was the Director of Nursing Education at Lewis and Clark Community College, and I became involved with the Illinois Chapter of OADN. It was evident from the start that OADN was unlike other associations, it was special. I discovered a tight-knit community of trusted colleagues and supportive friends all of whom shared my passion for associate degree nursing education. Little did I know then this sense of community and belonging that I was fortunate to find would catapult my professional nursing career to leadership roles beginning with the Illinois OADN Chapter, and ultimately at the national level from my term as President to the first CEO. It has truly been the most remarkable journey, all of which began by taking a simple step to become involved thanks to encouragement from respected peers.

OADN has been on a truly remarkable journey as well. Formerly operated by an association management company, OADN became an independently operating  association with its own operations team in 2018. This transition was a milestone for OADN as the organization skyrocketed to national prominence. I am extremely proud of the significant strides OADN has made over the last several years growing to a highly respected, national nursing organization. OADN is a pillar in the nursing community and the strongest voice for associate degree nurses and ADN educators in the country, a true embodiment of our mission as “the national voice and a pivotal resource for community college nursing education and the associate degree pathway.”

During my tenure as CEO, OADN was called upon by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to offer its expertise for a national dialogue on nursing and the future direction of nursing academic progression, which later led to the establishment of the critically important National Education Progression in Nursing Collaborative (NEPIN). Another memorable and meaningful accomplishment was the initiation of the Academy of Associate Degree Nursing by OADN. It was a highlight of my career to be awarded the distinction of Fellow of the Academy of Associate Degree Nursing (FAADN), the only such honor reserved exclusively for associate degree nursing education. It has been a privilege to oversee our membership growth, develop strategic relationships with valued sponsors and partners such as CastleBranch and the ACEN, initiate the Alpha Delta Nu Nursing Honor Society, the COVID-19 Task Force and DEI Committee, and most recently the launch of the OADN Leadership Institute. I have seen firsthand how OADN has evolved to meet the needs of our members and become a beacon for nurse educators around the country and throughout every stage of their professional development.

Over these challenging past two years of a global pandemic, in collaboration with the OADN Board of Directors, I have endeavored to guide OADN with an innovative and resilient spirit to support our members and elevate our collective voice and impact for community college nursing education. At the same time, like many others, I have reflected on my own personal goals and now more than ever, I realize time is a finite treasure. Therefore, it is truly a bittersweet moment that I formally announce my retirement from OADN, effective December 31, 2022. The decision to step down from my role as OADN CEO was not an easy one, but with the support of my wonderful family and dear friends, I look with excitement to the future as I contemplate the next steps in my personal and professional journey. I will always remain a passionate advocate for associate degree nursing, however, I truly believe a good leader recognizes when the time comes for new leadership. I have no doubt that OADN will continue to grow and flourish under the new CEO’s direction because its greatest strength remains unchanged, and that strength is you. You are what drives OADN to pursue excellence. You are the fiercest advocates for associate degree nursing. You are what makes OADN so special. As such, you are also the reason why my decision to retire was so difficult. This extraordinary opportunity to serve OADN has allowed me to meet so many of you amazing, inspiring, and talented individuals over the years. I have been humbled by your call to serve and grateful for your loyal friendship and support. You are the foundation and heart of OADN. I thank each of you, our wonderful OADN members, for your dedicated support of my leadership over the years and your steadfast commitment to our profession, our students, and the communities we serve.

I would also like to express my gratitude for all of the dedicated volunteers who have served with me, and supported me, on the OADN Board of Directors over the past ten years, first in my role as President and then as OADN’s CEO. Thank you to the exemplary operations team at OADN as well, consisting of Bryan Hoffman, Mary Dickow, Amy Owens, and Harriet McClung. They have been by my side supporting OADN and me personally, and I feel very fortunate to be surrounded by such gifted individuals. While I am stepping away from OADN as CEO, I am not going far. I am very pleased to announce that I will begin my term as an OADN Foundation Board member beginning January 1, 2023. I am excited to be able to support OADN in this new role and direction.

I hope you will join me in New Orleans this November 18 -20, 2022, for my final OADN Convention as your CEO. It is fitting that my first OADN Convention as President was in 2012 at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans. We are once again returning to this exact location, and so my remarkable journey with OADN, one that all began by taking a simple, first step of getting involved, has now come full circle. I look forward to reminiscing over the last ten years while embracing the bright future ahead for OADN, together.

With immense gratitude,



Chief Executive Officer, OADN