OADN Names Justin Fontenot New Editor-in-Chief of Teaching and Learning in Nursing

The Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) has named Justin Fontenot, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAADN as Editor-in-Chief of the association’s official journal Teaching and Learning in Nursing (TELN). Dr. Fontenot will oversee journal’s editorial content and peer review in coordination with the editorial board, associate editors, and the OADN Board of Directors, and assure fulfillment of the journal’s mission as the only peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the advancement of associate degree nursing education and practice.

“The OADN Board of Directors is proud to announce Dr. Fontenot as the journal’s new Editor-in-Chief,” says OADN President Karen LaMartina PhD, MSN, RN. “Justin brings an ebullient enthusiasm, commitment to innovation and thought-provoking leadership to OADN’s flagship publication.  His national-level experience in education, research and practice has prepared him to continue the legacy left by former Editor-in-Chief Dr. Anna Valdez.”

Dr. Fontenot, who is a Fellow of the Academy of Associate Degree Nursing (AADN), is an Assistant Professor of Nursing at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and the former Associate Editor of TELN. He began his career 22 years ago and is an Associate Degree (ADN) prepared nurse. Dr. Fontenot’s work focuses on educational equity to strengthen the various paths to nursing practice. In October 2021, he published a framework in TELN entitled “Clinical touchpoints: Using the PREP framework to improve critical thinking among pre-licensure nursing students.” This framework improves clinical instruction and evaluation, moving from nuanced evaluation to the evaluation of critical clinical reasoning skills to ensure clinical educational equity. Dr. Fontenot is currently serving as a founding member and Co-Chair of the OADN Diversity Equity Inclusivity Committee, where he made substantial contributions as an author of the OADN position paper on Racial and Social Equity. He has demonstrated a deep commitment to addressing racism, bias, and oppression in nursing education and practice. Dr, Fontenot is a dedicated advocate for Associate Degree Nursing and serves as a role model for ADN students, nurses, and faculty.

“I am thrilled to accept the position of Editor-in-Chief at Teaching and Learning in Nursing,” says Fontenot. “I know that I have huge shoes to fill, but the foundation of the journal and its reach are already immense. I’m proud to carry on the work equitably, highlighting diverse voices to uplift, guide, and usher Associate Degree Nursing into our new, reimagined futures.”

“Dr. Fontenot has proven his exceptional editorial skills as the Associate Editor of Teaching and Learning in Nursing,” notes OADN Chief Executive Officer Donna Meyer, MSN, RN, ANEF, FAADN, FAAN. “His creativity, knowledge of nursing trends and passion for Associate Degree Nursing education will only help to further advance TELN as an exceptional professional scholarly journal.”


About the Organization of Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) 

Representing the over 1,100 associate degree nursing programs across the country, OADN is the national voice and a pivotal resource for community college nursing education and the associate degree pathway.  OADN works to expand networks that promote leadership, collaboration, and advocacy to further enrich nursing education and the communities we serve. Online at www.oadn.org

Message from the President – December 2022

As I traveled back home to Kansas from New Orleans, I reflected on how wonderful it was to see so many OADN members in person with the record-breaking attendance at this year’s OADN Convention!  I was reminded of the importance of connecting in person and being in community with one another.  Being together affords us all those meaningful opportunities for impromptu conversations as we looked at the posters, or as we emerged from a workshop, keynote address, or breakout session.  I can’t even count how many members approached me to let me know this was their first OADN Convention, and how much they loved being there and how the spirit of our theme this year, “Owning Your Influence,” resonated with them.  As Associate Degree Nurse educators, we possess the ability to influence so many lives.  For any of us who have had the privilege of working with these amazing students, we can attest to how the ADN pathway truly transforms lives, often for generations to come!  As we heard from our keynote speaker, Dr. Scharmaine Lawson, our dreams can truly be realized if we only dare to act on them.

This year’s convention was also bittersweet as we all listened intently to Donna Meyer’s farewell message as she retires from the position of OADN’s CEO.  While this is a time for celebration for Donna and her family, it reveals an undeniable time of change for our association.  We look forward to announcing our next CEO after the first of the year, but for now, we reflect on what Donna has done for this organization and the immeasurable impact she has made on Associate Degree Nursing.  With her exit, the Board of Directors had some fun wordplay, identifying words that reflect Donna’s character and influence. While words such as transformational, dedicated, inspiring and authentic emerged, one board member, Dr. Jayson Valerio, noticed an amazing anagram.  With the former name of OADN being the National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (NOADN), Jayson realized that those letters rearranged spell DONNA! With that, we know that Donna will forever be the “face of OADN,” and her legacy as a passionate advocate for the ADN pathway will help guide our work in the future. We will miss her so much.

And so, as we usher out 2022, we commence with a new year.  With change comes apprehension, but also hope and opportunity.  The word “commencement” is often used to mean a beginning and an end.  We see the end of an era with Donna’s retirement, but we also see a beginning of a new era with our next CEO and with the start of my presidency.  Thank you all for your commitment to OADN. Thank you for your commitment to the ADN pathway and, most of all, thank you for your commitment to our amazing students all over this country.  Because of you, the nursing workforce of tomorrow will be sustained with highly effective, highly professional providers of care.

I wish you all a very blessed holiday season!



Karen LaMartina, PhD, MSN, RN
OADN President

Nursing Community Monthly Roundup – November 2022

OADN continues our federal advocacy on your behalf as a member of the Nursing Community Coalition, where we work to ensure that nurses are supported and that nursing education is funded.

NCC Sends Letter to Appropriators Outlining FY 2023 Omnibus Requests
On November 15, sixty-two members of the Nursing Community Coalition (NCC) sent a letter to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees requesting at least $324.472 million for Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development Programs and at least $208.571 million for the National Institute of Nursing Research in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Omnibus.

NCC Sends Letter Urging Passage of Workplace Violence Prevention Legislation this Congress
On November 18, fifty-eight members of the Nursing Community Coalition (NCC) signed onto a letter urging the passage of the Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act (S.4182) this Congress. This request comes as the House passed a related bill last year.

Message from the President – November 2022

In December of 2020, I introduced myself to you as the new President of OADN. Today, as I prepare to complete my term, I was reflecting on the last two years. At that time, I shared with you how I was not sure what challenges we would encounter on the horizon. While there were some unexpected challenges, the Board of Directors and Operations Team have accomplished a great deal together.

We started with a yearlong project of developing our strategic priorities. Now we are working on the implementation of activities for these priorities that will move OADN forward through the next 3-5 years. A Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Task Force was formed and wrote the OADN Racial and Social Equity Position Paper which was approved by the Board of Directors in June 2021. In 2022 we saw the launch of the OADN Leadership Institute, a program specifically designed for ADN Deans, Directors, and Faculty. Four cohorts completed the program, and all expressed the incredible benefit the content provided for their leadership journey as ADN educators. We continue to be the only national voice for community college nursing education and the associate degree pathway which is a valuable benefit for our membership. Advocacy on behalf of ADN education is crucial to ensure the ADN voice is included in nursing policy and practice decisions. Lastly, we continue to offer the only national convention exclusively dedicated to the needs of pre-licensure registered nursing education programs. Please come join us in New Orleans for our annual convention from November 18 -20. Our theme this year is Owning Your Influence and will not disappoint.

Looking toward the future, I will follow my passion of academic progression. I believe it is vital for all nurses to have the opportunity to advance their education. Academic progression provides the knowledge, clinical expertise, and confidence to reach dreams that might seem unattainable. Advancing our education helps us develop the wisdom we need to work with our patients, their families and support systems, our students, and coworkers. Reflecting on my journey I have been fortunate to serve in local, state, and national leadership positions, taught ADN students, and advocate for not only students and patients, but for YOU, our OADN membership.

During the convention in New Orleans, I will turn over the gavel to the new President, Karen LaMartina. I know Karen will do an excellent job and be a great resource to our new CEO. In closing, I want to thank the wonderful OADN Operations team for their unfailing service and the extremely supportive Board of Directors. I want to thank YOU, our membership, for trusting me to represent you as your President. And a final note of gratitude to Donna Meyer, who has done an outstanding job leading OADN through the years. She will be greatly missed.



Laura A Schmidt DNP FNP-BC

Nursing Community Monthly Roundup – October 2022

OADN continues our federal advocacy on your behalf as a member of the Nursing Community Coalition, where we work to ensure that nurses are supported and that nursing education is funded.

NCC Thanks House Nursing Caucus Co-Chairs for Introducing the ICAN Act
On October 26, fifty-seven members of the Nursing Community Coalition (NCC) signed onto a letter thanking House Nursing Congress Co-Chairs, Reps. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA-40) and David Joyce (R-OH-14) for introducing the Improving Care and Access to Nurses (I CAN) Act (H.R. 8812).

WEBINAR: Simulation’s Role in Next Generation NCLEX Success Part III: De-Briefing

Unbound Medicine


Simulation’s Role in Next Generation NCLEX Success

Part III: Debreifing

November 2, 2022 12:00PM EST

Join OADN and Unbound Medicine for part 3 in a 3-part series that spotlights simulations’ role in ensuring student success on the Next generation NCLEX exam. In this third webinar, a team of nurse educators and simulation experts discuss the importance of debriefing and provide examples of how to integrate Next Gen NCLEX prompts into a well-structured debriefing session.

Webinar Features:

  • A discussion of proven debriefing techniques
  • Examples of good and bad debriefing communication
  • Live Q&A session




Janeen Berndt, DNP, RN, ACNS, CNE – National Director of Clinical Innovation and Integration·Galen College of Nursing

With over a decade of experience in higher education, Dr. Berndt offers expertise in online nursing education, competency-based learning, and patient simulation. She is the National Director of Clinical Innovation and Integration at Galen College of Nursing. Janeen has been a Certified Nurse Educator since 2006, holds a DNP from Valparaiso University, and is active in the Psi Upsilon Chapter of Sigma. She is certified as an Adult Health Clinical Nurse Specialist specializing in geriatric-psychiatry and palliative care. Dr. Berndt also maintains membership in the NLN and ANCC.


Nina Leverkuhn, MSN, RN, Professor – Faculty, Blinn College

Nina began her career as a registered nursing in 1985 as a graduate of Houston Baptist University. Her nursing career included pediatric intensive care and adult medical/surgical nursing. After a break from nursing to homeschool her children, she found that she loved teaching. She began her journey back to nursing as a lab assistant in the simulation lab at Blinn College. Thus, her love of simulation education began. She transitioned over to the Associate Degree Nursing program to assist with skills remediation and clinicals. She graduated from Western Governors University in 2021 with a Master of Science in Nursing Education. She now teaches Adult Health theory and clinical as well as a skills course. She loves to find ways to incorporate simulation into every course and encourages students to always keep learning!


Call for Editor in Chief for Teaching and Learning in Nursing Journal

Applications are being accepted through November 11, 2022, for the Editor position of the official journal of the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN).

Teaching and Learning in Nursing is the official journal of and is owned by the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN). The Journal is published by Elsevier Publishers, Philadelphia, PA.

The purpose of the journal Teaching and Learning in Nursing, is to provide the professional nurse and nurse educator with the following:

  • A quality publication for which the focus is associate degree nursing, including areas of clinical practice, education, administration, and research.
  • A medium for professional development in associate degree nursing.
  • Information presented at the annual convention of the Organization.
  • Information about activities of the Organization.


Teaching and Learning in Nursing (TELN) Editor Position Description

Reports To: OADN Board of Directors, OADN Chief Executive Officer, and Editorial Board

Term of Contract: 3 years with option for renewal

Appointment: The Editor is appointed by the OADN Board of Directors


  • Registered professional nurse; Master’s degree required; doctoral degree preferred.
  • Experience: Demonstrated experience performing editorial functions.
  • Management Skills: Demonstrates project management; coordination through peer review; manuscript solicitation and follow up; schedule adherence, communication liaison with OADN Board of Director, CEO, publisher, and authors.
  • Experience in nursing education, practice, and administration and OADN involvement preferred.
  • Experience in associate degree nursing education.

General Responsibilities: The editor is responsible to the OADN Board for the editorial direction of the

Teaching and Learning in Nursing, consistent with the vision, mission, and strategic priorities of OADN.


Specific Duties:

Administrative Tasks:

  • Formulates an annual editorial plan, which includes but is not limited to increasing the visibility of the journal and achieving optimal journal metrics (i.e., 1-3 goals for the year and ideas for meeting the goals) and submits it to the OADN Board for approval.
  • Works with Editorial Board to achieve annual editorial plan.
  • Prepares and submits a quarterly report of journal activities and progress toward that year’s editorial plan to the OADN Board.
  • Defines editorial procedures, as necessary, within the framework of stated publication objectives.
  • Maintains regular communication with the OADN President and CEO, publisher, Editorial Board, and authors.
  • Attends OADN Board meetings as requested by the President and CEO.
  • Reviews position descriptions for the Editorial Board and submits proposed changes to the OADN Board annually for approval.
  • Identifies candidates for Editorial Board positions based upon stated qualifications and recommends candidates for OADN Board approval.
  • Creates an orientation process for newly appointed Editorial Board members.
  • Reviews the performance of Editorial Board annually.
  • Establishes date and agenda for Editorial Board meetings.
  • Appoints reviewers.
  • Maintains awareness of current trends in ADN and nursing education and ensures timely publication of articles relevant to nursing educators


Production Tasks:

  • Develops ongoing plans and procedures for manuscript solicitation.
  • Develops guidelines for manuscript evaluation, media review and follow up peer review, and special features.
  • Works with editorial manager to move accepted papers through the copy editing and publishing process.
  • Submits text materials and appropriate illustrations, in acceptable form, to the publisher according to an established schedule.
  • Collaborates with the publisher regarding publication format, cover design, and number of pages per issue.
  • Coordinates with the publisher to establish production schedules for publication and special features.
  • Collaborates with the publisher to establish procedures for production processes.
  • Reviews the journal page proofs.
  • Evaluates production processes and recommends changes to the publisher, as necessary.


Leadership Tasks:

  • Evaluates current metrics including SNIP, JIF, and other publishing metrics like social media exposure, citations in reports and news, and time to review, final decision, and publication.
  • Ensures that the journal meets the diversity pledge and revises the pledge as needed to address changing climate and actions within the nursing profession.
  • Serves as a mentor and role model for authors, reviewers, and editorial board members.
  • Uses a multimodal approach to soliciting articles and reviewers for the journal.


Please submit a curriculum vitae and letter of interest by November 11, 2022 to:  oadn@oadn.org

For additional information please send to CEO Donna Meyer at donna.meyer@oadn.org

New Sigma Nursing and OADN collaboration provides curated resources to Alpha Delta Nu graduates

INDIANAPOLIS — The Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma) and the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) jointly announced a new collaboration to strengthen the ties between both organizations and provide opportunities to Associate Degree Nursing graduates who exemplify the excellence of the associate degree pathway as inductees of the prestigious Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society (Alpha Delta Nu).

As part of this new collaboration, Sigma provides letters of congratulation to graduating Alpha Delta Nu members linking them to Sigma resources available free to early career nurses. In addition, Alpha Delta Nu members will receive a substantial discount to Surviving Your First Years as a Nurse, a highly rated Sigma nursing continuing professional development (NCPD) program.

Sigma created a landing page specifically for Alpha Delta Nu members to share access to open issues of Sigma’s top-10-ranked nursing journals the Journal of Nursing Scholarship and Worldviews on Evidence Based Nursing, the member story and resource-rich Nursing Centered, the open-access Sigma Repository, free NCPD courses and webinars, and other resources that may be of interest. Both organizations continue to plan additional activities and resources.

“We welcome this new collaboration between Alpha Delta Nu and Sigma,” said OADN Chief Executive Donna Meyer, MSN, RN, ANEF, FAADN, FAAN. “Ensuring nurses have access to higher levels of education and achievement has been a longstanding priority for OADN, and this collaboration will advance our shared commitment of academic progression for a highly qualified, diverse nursing workforce.”

Sigma CEO Elizabeth Madigan, PhD, RN, FAAN, added, “Sigma is delighted to strengthen our collaboration with OADN and Alpha Delta Nu. In this time of severe nursing shortages and the need for meaningful recognition, it is critical that we work together to recognize academic excellence, a focus of both organizations.”


About OADN/Alpha Delta Nu

As the national advocate for the over 1,100 associate degree nursing programs across the country, the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) works to advance excellence in nursing education and community college pathways into registered nursing careers. OADN is the national voice and a pivotal resource for community college nursing education and the associate degree pathway, with a vision to expand networks that promote leadership, collaboration, and advocacy to further enrich nursing education and the communities we serve.

OADN established the Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society in 2012 to recognize academic achievement for nursing students graduating from community colleges. Alpha Delta Nu encourages the pursuit of advanced degrees in the nursing profession as well as continuing education as a lifelong professional responsibility. Two-thirds of Alpha Delta Nu members enroll in BSN completion programs. Learn more at Honor Society – (oadn.org)


About Sigma

The Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma) is a nonprofit organization with the mission of developing nurse leaders anywhere to improve healthcare everywhere. Founded in 1922, Sigma has more than 135,000 members and 550 chapters at institutions of higher education and healthcare partners from Armenia, Australia, and Botswana to Thailand, the United States, and Wales. Sigma members include clinical nurses and administrators, academic nurse educators and researchers, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and others working to fulfill the organization’s vision of connected, empowered nurse leaders transforming global healthcare. Learn more at www.SigmaNursing.org.

Reimaging Nursing Education: An Innovative Approach to Addressing the Nursing Workforce Shortage


How OADN Incoming Board Member Jennifer Eccles is helping Minnesota address the nursing workforce crisis and build a blueprint for other states to follow.

The nursing workforce shortage, which was only exacerbated by the pandemic, is impacting states all over the country and Minnesota is no different. Pre-pandemic estimates show nearly 30,000 nurses will be needed by 2025 to support the state’s health care delivery system. However, enrollment in Minnesota nursing programs has been on the decline with some schools being forced to limit enrollment due to a lack of nursing faculty.

To tackle the nursing workforce issue, the University of Minnesota, and Minnesota State schools, which include 26 community and technical colleges and seven state universities, joined forces to create the Coalition for Nursing Equity and Excellence (CNEE). The coalition is co-led by OADN member Jennifer Eccles, PhD, MSN, MEd, RN, and Connie White Delaney, PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI, FNAP, Dean of the University of Minnesota School of Nursing. CNEE will work with nursing programs across the state to address the growing nursing shortage.

Read more on this development in US News & World Report and the Associated Press.




Message from the Leadership – October 2022: OADN Response to the ANA Racial Reckoning Statement

In January 2021, the American Nurses Association (ANA) launched the National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing. The commission’s primary goal is to explore racism in nursing and its devastating impacts across the expansive nursing profession. Donna Meyer, the Chief Executive Officer at the Organization of Associate Degree Nursing (OADN), represented associate degree nursing (ADN) as a commission member among a diverse panel of organizations, nurse leaders, and scholars. Dr. Anna Valdez, the Editor in Chief at OADN’s journal Teaching and Learning in Nursing, served as a content expert in nursing education for the commission. In May 2022, the commission released its foundational report entitled Racism in Nursing because of the work of the commission members. You can review the report here.

In June 2022, the ANA’s official voting body at its Membership Assembly voted unanimously to approve a statement on racial reckoning. This historic statement marks the start of a journey that begins with acknowledging the ANA’s own role in limiting the engagement of nurses of color in organizational participation. We encourage all OADN members to read the statement here.

Of significance to nursing education, particularly the associate degree pathway to practice entry, the ANA statement acknowledges the exclusionary harm in its 1965 position paper recommending that the standard for practice entry be the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2022). The ANA also acknowledges that the decision to accept such a position statement was contextual and addressed the growing complexity of nursing care at the time. The ANA recognizes how this impacted the nurses’ ability to enter the profession—namely, historically and intentionally marginalized people. They concede that while the intention was to elevate the profession, they did not ensure equal access to education for all who wish to enter the profession. Further, the ANA calls for exploration of how this position impacted nurses and calls for a commitment to scholarship and action to ensure access to everyone, especially students of color.

As the primary organization advocating, advancing, and representing associate degree nursing programs and community colleges, OADN commends the acknowledgment of ADN preparation in the ANA reckoning statement. The 1965 ANA position paper impacted the associate degree entry to practice. Still, OADN has always supported, advocated, and uplifted the ADN pathway into nursing practice and will continue to do so well into the future! For example, in 2015, OADN released a joint position statement with the ANA to address academic progression. In the position statement, all represented organizations “affirmed the valuable contribution of community colleges in providing opportunities for entry into the nursing workforce by individuals with diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds and socioeconomic statuses” (ANA, 2015, p. 2). As a result, the position paper highlighted several new models for protecting the ADN entry to practice and unique and emerging models to ensure student success in academic progression. Today we see many of these models supporting educational advancement like the RN to BSN, community colleges awarding the BSN degree, and partnerships for concurrent enrollment to progress to the BSN following the conferral of the ADN.

The National Education Progression in Nursing Collaborative (NEPIN) is an initiative supporting the academic progression to the BSN while leveraging the foundation of the ADN pathway. The organization provided a first-ever look at educational advancement, releasing a report entitled Trends in Nursing Academic Progression 2016-2020. During the study period, the data revealed that 65% of new nursing students chose the ADN pathway into the profession (NEPIN, 2020). Additionally, the data showed a 23% increase in ADN graduates enrolled in a BSN program (NEPIN, 2020); and probably the most profound finding; the report states, “ADN graduates subsequently enrolling in BSN programs account for much of the diversity seen in the BSN programs” (NEPIN, 2020, p. 10).

OADN is hopeful that the reckoning statement from the ANA related to ADN education will continue to elevate the discussion, highlighting this pathway’s critical importance in the United States nursing workforce. Now more than ever, specifically in a post-pandemic world, the ADN is vital in addressing ongoing nursing shortages at the bedside and the exigent need for workforce diversity.

* Dr. Justin Fontenot, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, serves as Associate Editor of  Teaching and Learning in Nursing and is a member of the OADN Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee. Dr. Fontenot is nurse faculty at the University of Louisiana of Lafayette and South Louisiana Community College.


American Nurses Association. (2015). Academic progression to meet the needs of the registered nurse, the health care consumer, and the U.S. health care systemhttps://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/nursing-excellence/official-position-statements/id/academic-progression-to-meet-the-needs-of-the-health-care/

American Nurses Association. (2022, June 11). Our racial reckoning statementhttps://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/workforce/racism-in-nursing/RacialReckoningStatement/

National Education Progression in Nursing Collaborative. (2020). Trends in nursing academic progressionhttps://nepincollaborative.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/NEPIN_AcademicProgressionTrends_2016-2020_Final.pdf