Thought Leadership Series – Webinars


Creating a Supportive Environment for Student Retention (click here for recording)

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Are you struggling with student retention? This webinar examines the factors that influence student retention, examines the components of a student-centered retention plan, and provides strategies to improve student retention.

PRESENTERS: Kelly Simmons, DNP, RN, CNE – Presenter Bio




An Introduction to Nursing Education Program Evaluation (click here for recording)

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Explore the essential components of an effective program evaluation through the use of a systematic evaluation plan (SEP). This session will increase your confidence and skills in evaluating nursing education programs, including ADN programs, by emphasizing the importance of SEPs for continuous quality improvement and accreditation.

PRESENTERS: Lisa Homer, PhD, RN, CCRN, CNE and Ann Underwood Smith PhD, MSN, RN, FNP, CNE – Presenter Bios




How to Form and Foster Your Own Professional Identity (click here for recording)

Professional Identity in Nursing is essential to the healthy growth and development of the nurse as well as the health and well-being of the work environment. However, it is not an inherent trait. There are specific ways that nurses, including nursing faculty, can develop and strengthen their own professional identity. This session will describe professional identity in nursing; discuss the work of the International Society for Professional Identity in Nursing; and provide ways that individual nurses can form and foster their own professional identity.

PRESENTER: Beth Phillips PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE – Presenter Bio




Creating Environments of Inclusive Excellence (click here for recording)

Nursing educators are instrumental in creating environments of inclusivity for students.  In order to do that, they must recognize why it is so important.  We will discuss what inclusive excellence means and will strategize to create and maintain environments that are inclusive for nursing students and educators.


  1. Review the importance of creating inclusive environments in nursing education
  2. Describe what inclusive excellence means to you
  3. Develop strategies to create and maintain inclusive environments in nursing education

PRESENTER: Beth Phillips PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE & Pamela Roland MSN, MBA, RN – Presenter Bios




Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: What is Faculty’s Role? (click here for recording)


  1. Examine the rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) over the last year
  2. Review current ways AI is affecting change in business and education
  3. Explore the faculty’s evolving role in the use of AI in nursing education

PRESENTER: Barton Bishop MFA & – Beth Phillips PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE – Presenter Bios




All Aboard: Making a Smooth Transition from Clinician to Clinical Nurse Educator (click here for recording)

As we begin the new academic year, there will be many opportunities to orient and support expert clinicians who choose to transition from practicing at the bedside to educating at the bedside.  How do we support a smooth transition, especially with the nurse educator shortage? Join this webinar as we explore evidence-based strategies to assist new clinical educators thrive in their new role.


  1. Discuss transition models applicable to new clinical educators
  2. Discuss expectations of clinical courses for students
  3. Identify strategies for managing clinical student behaviors
  4. Discuss the clinical evaluation process

PRESENTER: Debbie Lyles, PhD, MN, RN, CNE – Presenter Bio



Improving NCLEX Success: Changing the Way We Teach (click here for recording)

PRESENTER: Christine L. Heid, Ph.D., RN, CNE, CHSE – Presenter Bio



Professional Identity in Your Curriculum: What Faculty Can Do (click here for recording)

Professional Identity formation is an outcome in health care disciplines. However, many in nursing education are unfamiliar with the terms and concept of professional identity and are unsure how to apply professional identity formation into their curriculum and classroom. In this webinar, faculty will learn the definition and domains of Professional Identity in Nursing (PIN), explore the implications of PIN, and actively engage in developing strategies to integrate PIN into academic contexts.


  1. Describe the definitions and domains of Professional Identity in Nursing.
  2. Explain the impact of Professional Identity in Nursing on nurse well-being and patient safety and quality care.
  3. Explore strategies to integrate Professional Identity in Nursing into their academic setting and curriculum.

PRESENTER: Lynne Kuhl, MSN, BA, RN – Presenter Bio



The ABCs of Clinical Judgment: Breathing New Life into Learning (click here for recording)

During this session, we discuss the driving forces calling on nurse educators to prepare students to make clinical judgments.  We will examine the clinical judgment process and share strategies for incorporation into the learning environment.


  1. Discuss the call for nursing education to prepare students to perform clinical judgment
  2. Examine the clinical judgment process
  3. Explore strategies to incorporate clinical judgment in the learning environment


PRESENTERS: Janean Johnson, DNP, RN, CNE & Christine L. Heid, Ph.D., RN, CNE, CHSE – Presenter Bios



Clinical Activities to Promote Clinical Judgment (click here for recording)

Are your students ready for Next Generation NCLEX? During this webinar we will explore clinical activities that support and promote the development of clinical judgment. Our best classroom can be the clinical setting, so join us as we highlight and share evidence-based strategies to prepare students for safe practice and Next Generation NCLEX!


  1. Describe the theoretical models that explain the application of clinical judgment
  2. Discuss the role of clinical judgment in the provision of safe, quality client care
  3. Develop learning strategies to support students’ clinical judgment skills in the clinical setting.

PRESENTERS: Bonnie Ross, EDD, RN, CNE & Debbie Lyles, PhD, MN, RN, CNE – Presenter Bios



New Faculty Orientation: What New Faculty Need to Know (click here for recording)

In this webinar, participants will understand the importance of orienting new faculty to nursing education and the role of faculty.  We will discuss the key components/attributes necessary for the role of faculty and explore ways to enhance and provide a successful transition to the role. After this webinar, participants will have concrete solutions to develop a strong onboarding process for new faculty.Describe the evidence of bias in nursing and healthcare curricula.


  1. Discuss the importance of recognition and removal of bias in nursing curricula.
  2. Explore strategies to create a more equitable inclusive nursing curriculum

PRESENTERS: Beth Cusatis Phillips, PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE & Ashley Graves, MSN, RN – Presenter Bios



Striving to Remove Bias from Your Nursing Curriculum (click here for recording)


  1. Describe the evidence of bias in nursing and healthcare curricula.
  2. Discuss the importance of recognition and removal of bias in nursing curricula.
  3. Explore strategies to create a more equitable inclusive nursing curriculum

PRESENTER: Beth Cusatis Phillips, PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE – Presenter Bio



Speaking to Gen Z: Improving Learning Outcomes (click here for recording)

Learn how to improve learning outcomes in both traditional and online classrooms for Generation Z learners.


  1. Understanding GEN Z relationships and learning qualities
  2. Reviewing SPEAK – a GEN Z learning model for traditional and online classrooms
  3. Reviewing teaching strategies to meet learning needs in today’s classroom

PRESENTER BIO: Bridgette Bryan holds a doctorate in executive leadership, a master’s in nursing administration and psychology and is a director in the ATI NCLEX services department. She has been published in the ATI comprehensive live review book, nursing journals and has served as an inspirational newspaper columnist. Prior to joining ATI 10 years ago, Bridgette’s leadership experience included director and vice president roles in hospital administration, and academic experience includes professor roles in both university and community colleges.



Next Generation NCLEX: What You Need to Know  (click here for recording)

This presentation will provide details and updates about Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) and an overview of new item types that are designed to assess the clinical judgment skills of candidates. An introduction to the three types of scoring methods for the various item types will be reviewed.


  1. Describe important details about upcoming changes to NCLEX.
  2. Examine NGN item types and examples.
  3. Introduce scoring methods for NGN items.

PRESENTER BIO: Janean Johnson, DNP, RN, CNE, a Nursing Education Strategist for ATI, offers a robust background in clinical practice and nursing education. Over the course of her career, she has played an active leadership role in the university setting as well as in professional organizations. Since joining ATI, she has assisted educators in developing or revising their curriculum, improve their item writing and test development skills, create learning opportunities to improve students’ clinical judgment skills, and improve program evaluation to enhance student learning outcomes and program effectiveness.



Demystifying Clinical Judgment for Next Gen NCLEX  (click here for recording)

New nurses need stronger skills in clinical judgment, which is why NCSBN is developing the Next Generation NCLEX. The best way to begin preparing students is by deliberately incorporating clinical judgment into all aspects of your curriculum.

  1. Discuss the importance of emphasizing clinical judgment.
  2. Examine expected responses and behaviors associated with clinical judgment.
  3. Explore strategies for developing learning activities to promote clinical judgment.

PRESENTER: Beth Cusatis Phillips, PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE – Presenter Bio